Saturday, May 03, 2014

US envoy dies in Benghazi consulate attack - Africa - Al Jazeera English

 Raw video: Libyan protesters attack U.S. consulate.

CAIRO -- Libyan officials say the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans have been killed in an attack on the U.S. consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi by protesters angry over a film that ridiculed Islam's Prophet Muhammad.
In a statement, Morsi condemned the film's portrayal of Muhammed while stressing that the Egyptian government had a responsibility to guard diplomatic premises.

Nearly 3,000 demonstrators, many of them supporters of the ultraconservative Salafist movement, gathered at the US embassy in Cairo in protest against the amateur film.
A dozen men scaled the embassy walls and one of them tore down the US flag, replacing it with a black one inscribed with the Muslim profession of faith: "There is no God but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God."
That trigger the anger even more which results in the attack on Benghazi, killing Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the others U.S citizens.
US envoy dies in Benghazi consulate attack - Africa - Al Jazeera English