Wednesday, July 04, 2012

McCain: Adelson funding Romney Super PAC with 'foreign money' | The Cable

McCain: Adelson funding Romney Super PAC with 'foreign money' | The Cable

 Even if you don't need Health Care now, think about the future. No one knows what the future holds! Keep that in mind.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Map where Mitt Romney Outsource U.S jobs.

DO YOU CARE TO STOP THE JOBS BLEEDING? THEN YOU OWE IT TO THE NOVEMBER BALLET! McKinsey Global Institute estimated in 2006 that $18.4 billion in global information technology work and $11.4 billion in business-process services have been moved abroad. That's what sent the U.S economy downhill. Now, Mitt Romney with his propaganda about he is the jobs creator, one of the very people who helped sink the U.S Economy Jobs growth and put millions out of work. Mitt Romney now wants the highest power so he can continue to outsource more jobs claiming "that's the way businesses make money." Romney wants to gain more power so he can outsource more jobs leaving U.S. jobless. He already said he will cut Government jobs such as Teachers, Firefighters and Police Officers. He already sent manufacture overseas including technology jobs. No wonder Mitt Romney and his Republicans bureaucracy believe in less education and higher Institution cost. In that way they can continue with their ridiculous excuses of outsourcing more jobs overseas in order to make huge profits for themselves & their business buddies. Mitt Romney wants the people vote so he can strip them of their jobs. PLACES MITT ROMNEY OUTSOURCE U.S JOBS.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Stand with President Obama: Pass the DREAM Act

Stand with President Obama: Pass the DREAM Act: Help us reach 200,000 strong standing with President Obama and telling Congress to pass the DREAM Act.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Don't let 2012 be a Game Of Chance, make it a Plan For Choice!

I just can't help myself but ask, why did Mr Mitch McConnell and the Republicans failed to delivered on their promises to the people after the 2010 election. It wasn't even a week after when President Obama took office that the Republicans and Tea-party almost break down the walls of the White House, asking where are the jobs. They protested months and months touting jobs. Then here comes 2010, and it was all about jobs and getting the economy back in order for Republicans. They promised the people that if they win, that they were going to make sure that they put the people back to work and it was Republicans number one priority at the time. Although it wasn't even long after they landed the people a sinking economy with lots of heartaches, the people were willing to give the Republicans another chance to prove that they would deliver on their promises. Sadly enough, the Republicans proved themselves wrong again and failed the people once again! After winning the House and some of the Senate seats, Republicans number one priority became making President Obama a one term President. Mind, you, it's not about jobs anymore. Republicans throw jobs and every else promises they made to the people out of Congress window as soon as they took control. The worse scenario is when Republicans used the very power the people handed to them, to block the passage of President Obama jobs bill that would have put millions back to work. Republicans and the Tea-party lies and deceived the people. Republicans and Tea- Party really and honestly don't care about the people and don't have a heart of concern about the people needs. It's all about the people votes, that matter to the Republicans and the Tea-party, that's all, nothing else. And whatever or whoever it takes for them to get those votes, they would use... And that's such a shame! The Republicans already make it known that if they win in 2012, that they will focus their attention on cuts, cuts, and ending of programs. Not jobs! And if the people fooling themselves thinking that Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney will create jobs if he were to win, are setting themselves for great disappointment and lots of worries and heartaches. Republicans already told Mitt Romney that he must say what the people want to hear so he can win their votes because they know once he wins, he will side with the Republicans and the Tea-party. These are vivid signs that the Republicans will create an economy atmosphere that will cloud hopes and dreams. The people need to take warning. Republicans are deceitful and cannot be trusted! They already said they don't care if the people stay poor and suffer or die by the way-side. Isn't that enough for the people to be scared. An once of prevention is always better than a pound of cure. There is a saying goes, "Fool me once (2010) shame on you, the Republicans, fool me twice (2012) shame on me, the voters.