Getting the economy growing again by creating jobs & cutting the deficit, but just cutting the deficit without creating jobs would not grow the economy nor would it solve the fiscal crisis.The people need to take a hold of their future before it's too late!
The people have to remember any Republicans as long as they are Republicans elected to Congress to Govern will follow through the Tea-party demand of what they want. The Republicans are saying the things and acting like they have the people best interest, but that is just their deceitful tactics to get elected. Once they get elected the people will see a different side of them.
If the people had gotten a chance to read most of the new 2010 elected Republicans profiles they will surely understand the true nature of the Republicans. They stated in their profiles that should they be elected to Congress how they will coƶperate and work with President Obama to help create jobs and strengthen the economy. It's evidence that they are not doing none of that. Their main purpose is to gain power to throw President Obama from office so they can punish the people because they think that the people are the problem for the Republicans' wrecked economy. You can't help yourself but wonder if they have connection with God's enemy, the Devil. So if the people don't do something to take a hold and secure their future, the Tea-party & Republicans will take a hold of it and destroy it!
The Republicans Cut, Cap And Balance Plan Would cost 700,000 Jobs.The Cut, Cap And Balance Plan would mean even more cuts than the House Republicans Budget, which already would:
End Medicare as we know it and double out-of-pocket costs for future beneficiaries;
Increase the number of uninsured Americans by 50 million;
Cut clean energy investments by 70 percent;
Cut infrastructure by one-third; and Cut 320,000 children from Head Start
Cut, Cap And Balance Proposal Could Result In More Cuts To Social Security And Medicare
The U.S. Economy has added 2.2 Million Jobs over the last 16 months.
Private-Sector Employment increased for the last 16 consecutive months.
GDP has grown for seven consecutive quarters, including continued growth in the first quarter of 2011.
In July 2006, the legislature passed a bill increasing the minimum wage to $8.00 an hour, and he vetoed it. "I have spent hours reading a wide array of reviews on the minimum wage and its impact on the economy, and there's no question raising the minimum wage will cause a loss of jobs. And the loss of jobs is at the entry-level," Mitt Romney said when he vetoed the bill. Imagine having a President like Mitt Romney?
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann tell of her younger days eating mayonnaise, lettuce and Wonder Bread sandwiches and think the American people should go back to those passing days like hers. No wonder she wants to cut back down the minimum wage. America must move forward, not backward! The people must move forward to prosperity, not the days of hunger & poverty!
Imagine having a President like Michele Bachmann?
Rick Perry said that Social Security was a violent attack on core American values and called it a Ponzi scheme. Rick Perry also said that Social Security is "the best example of A New Deal -era- program that he said violently tossed aside any respect for the founding principles of Federalism and smaller Government." And that Sarah Palin was right when she said the Care Act created death panels. He said the Medicare Part D drugs benefits for seniors was a broken program. He went as far as saying that it was unprincipled to have established the Homeland Security. He promised he will repeal the 16th Amendment which permits a national income tax.Rick Perry said he is fed-up with all this and lots more and vowed to cut them all should he be elected to Govern.
Imagine having a President like Rick Perry?
These are just a bit of what in store should the people give their future over to the Republicans Tea-party, the eviscerators. And so if the people fail to take hold of their future now, the Tea-party Republicans will and will change it for them forever! Because once damages like these are done, it's nothing no President, whether Democrat or Republican would be able to fix again. Unless the people are masochistic and have the patience as Job in the Bible. And if the people don't have patience now in an economy that is on verge to recovery, just imaging having one that will have no sight of recovery.
Let's see if the Republicans/Tea-party are not going to work toward a cooperative & compromising way with President Obama with his Job Plan to create jobs and revitalize the economy. Let the people take their action from there.
God's Blessings
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