No matter who the Republican Presidential candidate is, they abide by the same policies and philosophies. One can say, where lies and deception sure to creep in! Republicans know their underlying policies or it's deep structure will destroy the good success of the people and liquidate their hope and also the strength of the economy. So Republicans tend to lay out promising policies that will capture the hearts and minds of the people to win politically. Those policies are set to fail because they were never real in the first place, they are all full of bribes and deceptions!
Remember after President Obama took office how the Republicans went all out protesting jobs as their top priority? Then after the 2010 election and they won the House, creating jobs was dumped into the Republicans garbage bin. Well, the 2012 election is no different.
The Republicans who so deceitfully seem like they care about the millions of people out of a job, blocked the very jobs bill that will put millions back to work. Saying that if they pass the jobs bill, it will give President Obama a win. They never think for one second about the people win, no, it was all about the Republicans selfish political win. How selfish can they get with millions out of a job! Thanks in part to President Obama and the faithful caring Democrats who are fighting everyday to strengthen the economy and put people back to work.
The only policies that's sure to be kept by Republicans are those they have in mind to cut and kill. Including vital programs like, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, education, the people bargain rights for a safer job security and many other cuts not even yet mention. And these burdensome cuts will be done by the Republicans to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy and for companies who shipped jobs overseas. This is buzzard, isn't it? Be sure to make it a wake up call!
What is also clearly in view is, every Republican seems to want to wage war-fare on the minimum wage and public employees union bargain rights. They all promise if be elected as president, would cut and veto any bill that will raise the minimum wage or support employees bargain rights. As far as the people concern, the Republicans are against every rights of the people. Leave only to believe that freedom and equality for all people will be a thing of the pass.
First of all, Republican was never the party for freedom and equality for all people. They are the party that believes in "the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer." And it's even so much worse with the more extreme Tea-party on board. You just can't imagine and wonder what kind of freedom and prosperity the people would have under a Republican president. Because their plan is to run government with a iron fist that will burdensome the majority of the people with deficit bills in order to pay tax breaks for the wealthy. Can you imagine? Doesn't it sound more like the end of the world? Or maybe so, the end of the American Dream!
Imaging state legislators across the nation introducing similar or identical bills designed to boost corporate power and profits, reduce workers rights, limit corporate accountability for pollution, or restrict voting by minorities. These legislation was not written by a state lawmaker, but by corporate lobbyists working through the American Legislative Exchange Council.
ALEC is a one-stop shop for corporations looking to identify friendly state legislators and work with them to get special-interest legislation introduced. It’s win-win for corporations, their lobbyists, and right-wing legislators. But the big losers are the people whose rights and interests are sold off to the highest bidder. Sound familiar? look no further than the Republican bureaucracy!
If the people want to know who are the winners and who are the losers, then they need to ask themselves these questions:
(1) What would life be without a job or to have the minimum wage cut in a time when the cost of living is growing so high everyday?
(2) What would senior Citizens do or what will life be without Medicare or Medicaid?
(3) How would working people cope with the constant high costs of Insurances if no alternative health care Insurance is set in place to give them the free will to shop around?
(4)How safe is one's job or their bargain rights if there were no Labor Unions to fight for them?
(5) How would one feel or cope with the fact knowing after years of paying into Social Security and because of privatization, they lose it all due to private businesses failure or bankruptcy? Remember the downturn of Wall Street?
These are just a few of the many hard questions one has to ask himself or herself because these are the Republicans policies that will be put into place should they take control of the Presidency, the House and the Senate.
The people must remember the Republicans/Tea-party bureaucracy don't seem to have a heart when it comes to the majority of the people. They already said "they rather see the people stay poor & suffer and that nothing wrong if American people die by the way-side because it happening in other part of the world. The people should know why the Republicans and the Tea-party are so eager as to focus their top priority in making President Obama a one term president and to end public employees labor unions.
The actual truth is, the Republicans are doing everything to defeat President Obama and the Labor Unions in order to defeat the people. The Republican main purpose is to burdensome the people with the deficit bills. A bill that has mounted because of too many fraudulent, greediness and selfishness, not the people!
Mitt Romney said should he become President he would end unemployment benefits completely. He would have people draw from their own money. Meaning, he rather protect companies full pocket book and empty out the little 99% pocket book. Romney referring to people retirement saving or their Social Security. And once that is done, Romney said, that's it! Remember his comment? "corporates are people my friend!"
God's Blessings
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