Saturday, January 04, 2014

Scott Walker Makes Wisconsin NUMBER ONE...In Jobless Claims

"Republicans will make promises they know they won't keep; And sweet talks that don't have eyes to weep. It's the people that will be sitting down the street; Dying for something to eat."
It's always the Democrats that come to the rescue when the Republicans try to screw up people lives. Yet when the people hit the polling place, they put back the same heartless Republicans back into power and then wonder why they, the people always ended up economically screwed. This is the same Scott Walker in 2010, remember!! 
Just like Republicans are brain-washing the people about the Affordable Care Act just because they claim that government not suppose to furnish health care for the people and the foolish people buying the Republicans lying craps. They even following Republicans giving President Obama bad rating for proving affordable health care for them. As though they don't know the different between the leaders who care and those who don't. It's absolutely silly , I mean really silly!

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