Republicans have no other reliable credentials to win an election other than to tarnish their opponents; lie, cheat, deceive, manipulate votes, feed off people vulnerability; discourage voters from voting, even going to the extreme by setting up complicated laws that make it difficult for senior citizens, people with disability, and minority that has a learning deficiency to vote.
So, no wonder the economy can`t grow any faster than it`s growing now, and immigration can`t go any further than the Senate. And so many people still unemployed. And the very lifeline that comes in the form of unemployment benefits has been taken away from them. If the people keep letting Republicans deceive them, they have lot more suffering to experience.
If Republicans haven`t done anything in 5 years to help create new jobs to put people back to work; and work with President Obama and the Democrats to unite family together through immigration reform; raise the minimum wage and strengthen the middle class, what make people believe Republicans will do it in the 6 year if the people be fooled and give them back control of the House and Senate seats. It`s ridiculous to believe that!
The people mean Republicans can fool them once, fool them twice and still fool them the third time. Where is the people common sense! You can`t plant a lemon tree and expect to reap sweet juicy oranges. That`s impossible to happen and so is getting anything done by Republicans whose donors are against immigration reform, unemployment benefits, and investing in creating new jobs. Republicans and their big donors call these things "socialism" and they don't believe in socializing. So, why do the people keep squeezing the very life out themselves by electing and re-electing the "Do Nothing-Non Socializer Republicans to Washington. Haven't they learn their lesson yet!
The people must consider and choose their priority, what matter to them or what matter to Republicans, but they can`t serve two masters at the same time. Either Republicans win and the people lose, or the people win and Republicans lose. Because there is no win, win between the two group.