Getting the economy growing again by creating jobs & cutting the deficit, but just cutting the deficit without creating jobs would not grow the economy nor would it solve the fiscal crisis.The people need to take a hold of their future before it's too late!
The people have to remember any Republicans as long as they are Republicans elected to Congress to Govern will follow through the Tea-party demand of what they want. The Republicans are saying the things and acting like they have the people best interest, but that is just their deceitful tactics to get elected. Once they get elected the people will see a different side of them.
If the people had gotten a chance to read most of the new 2010 elected Republicans profiles they will surely understand the true nature of the Republicans. They stated in their profiles that should they be elected to Congress how they will coƶperate and work with President Obama to help create jobs and strengthen the economy. It's evidence that they are not doing none of that. Their main purpose is to gain power to throw President Obama from office so they can punish the people because they think that the people are the problem for the Republicans' wrecked economy. You can't help yourself but wonder if they have connection with God's enemy, the Devil. So if the people don't do something to take a hold and secure their future, the Tea-party & Republicans will take a hold of it and destroy it!
The Republicans Cut, Cap And Balance Plan Would cost 700,000 Jobs.The Cut, Cap And Balance Plan would mean even more cuts than the House Republicans Budget, which already would:
End Medicare as we know it and double out-of-pocket costs for future beneficiaries;
Increase the number of uninsured Americans by 50 million;
Cut clean energy investments by 70 percent;
Cut infrastructure by one-third; and Cut 320,000 children from Head Start
Cut, Cap And Balance Proposal Could Result In More Cuts To Social Security And Medicare
The U.S. Economy has added 2.2 Million Jobs over the last 16 months.
Private-Sector Employment increased for the last 16 consecutive months.
GDP has grown for seven consecutive quarters, including continued growth in the first quarter of 2011.
In July 2006, the legislature passed a bill increasing the minimum wage to $8.00 an hour, and he vetoed it. "I have spent hours reading a wide array of reviews on the minimum wage and its impact on the economy, and there's no question raising the minimum wage will cause a loss of jobs. And the loss of jobs is at the entry-level," Mitt Romney said when he vetoed the bill. Imagine having a President like Mitt Romney?
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann tell of her younger days eating mayonnaise, lettuce and Wonder Bread sandwiches and think the American people should go back to those passing days like hers. No wonder she wants to cut back down the minimum wage. America must move forward, not backward! The people must move forward to prosperity, not the days of hunger & poverty!
Imagine having a President like Michele Bachmann?
Rick Perry said that Social Security was a violent attack on core American values and called it a Ponzi scheme. Rick Perry also said that Social Security is "the best example of A New Deal -era- program that he said violently tossed aside any respect for the founding principles of Federalism and smaller Government." And that Sarah Palin was right when she said the Care Act created death panels. He said the Medicare Part D drugs benefits for seniors was a broken program. He went as far as saying that it was unprincipled to have established the Homeland Security. He promised he will repeal the 16th Amendment which permits a national income tax.Rick Perry said he is fed-up with all this and lots more and vowed to cut them all should he be elected to Govern.
Imagine having a President like Rick Perry?
These are just a bit of what in store should the people give their future over to the Republicans Tea-party, the eviscerators. And so if the people fail to take hold of their future now, the Tea-party Republicans will and will change it for them forever! Because once damages like these are done, it's nothing no President, whether Democrat or Republican would be able to fix again. Unless the people are masochistic and have the patience as Job in the Bible. And if the people don't have patience now in an economy that is on verge to recovery, just imaging having one that will have no sight of recovery.
Let's see if the Republicans/Tea-party are not going to work toward a cooperative & compromising way with President Obama with his Job Plan to create jobs and revitalize the economy. Let the people take their action from there.
God's Blessings
Chains Of Habits Are Too Light To Be Felt Until They Are Too Heavy To Bear.
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Distraction and opposition breaches a person potency
President Obama strategies and policies could of very well work & proven much more effectively for the economy had it not been for the many hindrances thrown in his way. President Obama has been face with too many distraction and opposition since he took office. Distraction and opposition are two of the most elements that can hindered any progress.
The stimulus package along with the others policy plans he implemented could of been so much effective if it wasn't for all the distraction like the wars and the natural disasters one after the other. And not to mention the dominant opposition forces and bickering.
The fact is, the Republicans have lost touch with the people and centered their focus and their attention too much on their bureaucracy politics. They have lost touch with the people so deeply that their motives and their policies make them appear very cynic.
I don't think it fair or even moral for the people to focus the blame on the President when in fact he been face with the unexpected and with the dominant fores of opposition. Republicans should in fact the reason for the sluggish economy. They wanted it to happen and they work on making it happen.
And until the people don't hold the Republicans or any politician responsible for their actions of not doing nothing they will always experience hard and difficult economic times. Republicans spend their full time in office just plotting and planning to hinder progress and cause more damages to the economy and to the people. And the people will forever experience this kind of road-map if they keep electing Republicans to Congress that get nothing done.
I hope this economic situation and the difficulty in having to raise the debt limit and cut the deficit will be a lesson to the people. Do not send politicians to Washington who have no constructive plan of their own that will help create jobs, cut the deficit and strengthen the economy. And who also must have the skills and the potential to work and cooperate that will enable a compromise to get things done!
God's Blessings
The stimulus package along with the others policy plans he implemented could of been so much effective if it wasn't for all the distraction like the wars and the natural disasters one after the other. And not to mention the dominant opposition forces and bickering.
The fact is, the Republicans have lost touch with the people and centered their focus and their attention too much on their bureaucracy politics. They have lost touch with the people so deeply that their motives and their policies make them appear very cynic.
I don't think it fair or even moral for the people to focus the blame on the President when in fact he been face with the unexpected and with the dominant fores of opposition. Republicans should in fact the reason for the sluggish economy. They wanted it to happen and they work on making it happen.
And until the people don't hold the Republicans or any politician responsible for their actions of not doing nothing they will always experience hard and difficult economic times. Republicans spend their full time in office just plotting and planning to hinder progress and cause more damages to the economy and to the people. And the people will forever experience this kind of road-map if they keep electing Republicans to Congress that get nothing done.
I hope this economic situation and the difficulty in having to raise the debt limit and cut the deficit will be a lesson to the people. Do not send politicians to Washington who have no constructive plan of their own that will help create jobs, cut the deficit and strengthen the economy. And who also must have the skills and the potential to work and cooperate that will enable a compromise to get things done!
God's Blessings
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Changing the way we deal with politics can work dividend
The people have the power to change the way politics is playing out by letting their voices echo through the political walls.
The people can end the economy slow growth by electing leaders who have an effective economy plan and who will cooperates to get things done in Washington. To work for the people and put the economy on solid foundation again. Life is too short and by the way too difficult for anyone having to continue to deal with political leaders who just sit in Washington doing nothing, but setting up the economy & the people for greater disaster. It's time to change the way we deal with politics!
Everywhere you turn today whether it's on the internet, the news, in the magazines and through mouth, you hear the same story; "starting next year 2012 the world will begin a series of catastrophes." Well, the latter can be true, but can only happen depend on the choices the people make.
The reason for all those predictions is because the world is sure changing and 2012 according to numerology is the number of change. Adding up the digits of 2012, you get the number 5 which symbolizes change. And changes will definitely take place, no doubt about it.
The good news is, the changes don't have to be negative, they can be positive, but only if leaders around the world take the opportunity at this time of year 2011 and put down constructive foundation and build up the economy. And this include, but not limited; creating jobs, cutting the deficit, secure solid education, infrastructure, clean energy etc. And these things can only happen when the House is in order.
The people still keep patting the Republicans on the back by giving them control and power. Not so much as to help the people and strengthen the economy, but to use it to their own advantage and make matters worse. And making the Republicans less functional.
And then the people wonder why Washington is not working the way they expected. What the people don't seem to understand is that their get what they bought. Also, just like you can't get a car to start using a dead battery, the people don't expect the Republicans to do anything (work) when they already making it known that as far as they know everything will be dead in Washington before they reach out and work with President Obama and the Democrats.
The people need to start holding the Republicans accountable for not doing nothing to help create jobs and strengthen the economy. Otherwise the people will continue to see the economy decline and the people will continue to tread a difficult life path and just watching the American Dream slip away so fast.
And to say this, this is not just something happening in Washington, but around the world. And it's no wonder we have a global economy crisis. The good news is, it's not to late for the people to get the House in order! The people just need a structure and a time-frame and this can change the way politics is playing out today. Seize the opportunity to change the way politics is playing out!
To get to that place, the people should start from here and there after. "Demand that any person (s) running for Office in Congress must present an affidavit of a plan. Let's call it the "The Economy Plan." This plan must contain and outline constructive and relevant ideas that will promote jobs growth, lower the deficit and strengthen the economy. The official candidate must have a time-frame in his or her plan about how and when these policies will be effective.
The plan cannot contain old and worn out policies that is over a decade and that's no longer work effectively. For example "Investing in Tax break to create jobs!" The plan should only include policies that are presently working and is crucial for the people best interest and for the economy foundation.
No candidate should be elected that just speak small talks like socialist and un-American and who uses lies, deception and manipulation & taking truth out of its context. The candidate should willing to cooperates and elaborate effectively with the other party. There should be no drawn out negotiation and the people should see progress in action.
Voters will choose candidate (s) based on their affidavit plan which should contain a balance plan and one that complement and that will work together with the other party's plan without having to do any long and drawn out negotiation and opposition.
Only that way the people know that they'll be electing Official leaders that will not only work for the people, but have a Congress that's works in all general areas. And together we can work and change the result of a weak global economy. Changing the way we do politics can prove dividend.
God's Blessings
The people have the power to change the way politics is playing out by letting their voices echo through the political walls.
The people can end the economy slow growth by electing leaders who have an effective economy plan and who will cooperates to get things done in Washington. To work for the people and put the economy on solid foundation again. Life is too short and by the way too difficult for anyone having to continue to deal with political leaders who just sit in Washington doing nothing, but setting up the economy & the people for greater disaster. It's time to change the way we deal with politics!
Everywhere you turn today whether it's on the internet, the news, in the magazines and through mouth, you hear the same story; "starting next year 2012 the world will begin a series of catastrophes." Well, the latter can be true, but can only happen depend on the choices the people make.
The reason for all those predictions is because the world is sure changing and 2012 according to numerology is the number of change. Adding up the digits of 2012, you get the number 5 which symbolizes change. And changes will definitely take place, no doubt about it.
The good news is, the changes don't have to be negative, they can be positive, but only if leaders around the world take the opportunity at this time of year 2011 and put down constructive foundation and build up the economy. And this include, but not limited; creating jobs, cutting the deficit, secure solid education, infrastructure, clean energy etc. And these things can only happen when the House is in order.
The people are also to be held responsible as much as the Republicans when things cannot get done. Because although the people see and know who the Republicans really are; a bunch of political leaders who just don't do anything, but a lot of smart talks and hindered progress.
The people still keep patting the Republicans on the back by giving them control and power. Not so much as to help the people and strengthen the economy, but to use it to their own advantage and make matters worse. And making the Republicans less functional.
And then the people wonder why Washington is not working the way they expected. What the people don't seem to understand is that their get what they bought. Also, just like you can't get a car to start using a dead battery, the people don't expect the Republicans to do anything (work) when they already making it known that as far as they know everything will be dead in Washington before they reach out and work with President Obama and the Democrats.
The people need to start holding the Republicans accountable for not doing nothing to help create jobs and strengthen the economy. Otherwise the people will continue to see the economy decline and the people will continue to tread a difficult life path and just watching the American Dream slip away so fast.
And to say this, this is not just something happening in Washington, but around the world. And it's no wonder we have a global economy crisis. The good news is, it's not to late for the people to get the House in order! The people just need a structure and a time-frame and this can change the way politics is playing out today. Seize the opportunity to change the way politics is playing out!
To get to that place, the people should start from here and there after. "Demand that any person (s) running for Office in Congress must present an affidavit of a plan. Let's call it the "The Economy Plan." This plan must contain and outline constructive and relevant ideas that will promote jobs growth, lower the deficit and strengthen the economy. The official candidate must have a time-frame in his or her plan about how and when these policies will be effective.
The plan cannot contain old and worn out policies that is over a decade and that's no longer work effectively. For example "Investing in Tax break to create jobs!" The plan should only include policies that are presently working and is crucial for the people best interest and for the economy foundation.
No candidate should be elected that just speak small talks like socialist and un-American and who uses lies, deception and manipulation & taking truth out of its context. The candidate should willing to cooperates and elaborate effectively with the other party. There should be no drawn out negotiation and the people should see progress in action.
Voters will choose candidate (s) based on their affidavit plan which should contain a balance plan and one that complement and that will work together with the other party's plan without having to do any long and drawn out negotiation and opposition.
Only that way the people know that they'll be electing Official leaders that will not only work for the people, but have a Congress that's works in all general areas. And together we can work and change the result of a weak global economy. Changing the way we do politics can prove dividend.
God's Blessings
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tell Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act Now!
Tell Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act Now!: Take immediate action to end pay discrimination against women. Join Senators Boxer, Gillibrand, and Klobuchar to tell Congress that equal work deserves equal pay - pass the Paycheck Fairness Act now.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Thanks to President Barack Obama, Vice President Joseph Biden and their Administration for their hard work and dedication to the people and America during their first one hundred challenging days. It was not an easy one hundred days for President Barack Obama, but it was one hundred days of success and Fresh Hope for all of us.
Thursday April 30th, make 100 days since President Barack Obama took office. What does this mean for America? It mean that America is on the road to recovery and it's success is the light to our Hope.
During President Barack Obama campaign he made a promise. That promise was that every single day he's in office, he will make sure that he fight for the people and America to bring back prosperity into our economic. And his one hundred days of success is proof that he is keeping his promises to the people and America.
Despite all the opposition he had to face to get his Recovery Plan to pass. He never for one moment looses hope or lost sight of his goal he has set forth to help the people and get our economic back on track to prosperity.
With two wars on hand, an economic downturn, and now this deadly swine flu.
These are the many challenges we all have to face. And I said we, because it's not just President Barack Obama challenges, it's all of us together. Whether we think so or not. We all in this together! We all must do our part to help over come these challenges.
If you look at the situation, President Barack Obama's Recovery Plan Act for Health Care came about just in time. What would of happen to many family with children without Health Care during this (H1NI) Swine flu challenging time? In California, where I live, 694,000 additional children received Health Care under President Barack Obama Recovery Act Project just in his 100 days! Here is a link that will take you to view the map of other states progress. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA 100 DAYS OF SUCCESS.
Beside getting the Economic Recovery Plan to passed, President Barack Obama also traveled to other Countries to meet with other leaders to help resolve the wars and bring about peace between America and other Nations. Which was very brilliant and successful. In order to really solve this economic crisis and end the wars, we got to first start at the root of the problem. And the first step toward that is just exactly what President Barack Obama did. Trying to make Peace between America and other Countries and to focus on a more momentous strategy as to how to restore a Global economic and resolve the wars. Fighting wars against other Countries without using reasonable communication first, is not the right motive.
First step is to find out what each country can do to to resolve the conflict between each other. Once every leaders agree to Peace and focus more on restoring the economic, then Prosperity will begin to abound. That is what President Barack Obama did. An Intelligent strategy! Not every Country will seek peace, some will abhor. But at least America initiate the Peace.
President Barack Obama and his Administration did Great in their 100 days and greater success lies ahead despite the many challenges. But we got to realize that we are building brick by brick, and so it will take some time. The positive side is that, we know President Barack Obama is going to make sure that our economic reach to its prosperity as we all support him and work with him as one people and one Nation.
For those of us living in California here is a list of President Barack Obama's first 100 days for this State. Others can click on the link above to view for your State or to get an overall of our Nation success:
Thursday, April 09, 2009
America, Your Call To Harness Prosperity!
America, Congress debate on President Obama's budget plan on Monday, and a final vote is expected Tomorrow. We cannot afford to let anybody take away the chance we have now to rebuild and restore our sinking economic. Your future and your grandchildren future is in the hands of chance. We need to put our future in the hands of prosperity! And that can only happen by you standing up and supporting President Barack Obama's plan which is our future Life-support. Make your voice be heard and let Congress and every American know that our future depend on President Barack Obama's plan to get us out of this challenging crisis. And it is very crucial for our economic success. We are already seeing progress, but getting this bill to pass will shine the light for a better and brighter future. Give your full support to President Barack Obama plan and keep our Hope alive.
Remember SUCCESS and PROSPERITY walk hand in hand. If you want to see our economic be prosperous then your support to President Barack Obama's plan got to be successful. Please give your support by letting your voices be heard and let everyone know that you support the budget plan that will bring about the sucess and prosperity our economic need. GIVE YOUR FULL SUPPORT TO PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA'S PLAN!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Pot is calling the kettle black
I over heard a conversation about Sen Obama is intelligent, but dont have much presidential experience. Wait a minute, Am I hearing right? Ok, let's reason together. Are you telling me that those who run and is planning of running for the presidential candidate have and had all the experiences? If they claim they have the experience for the presidency, why is it our Country, America is now in a terrible deep economy crisis? So what is experience? If you never drive a car before, how can you or anyone say you have the experience in driving. Don't you first have to learn to drive, develop a safe driving method, and learn and use all the technique to implement a safe driving role? BARACK OBAMA has the intelligent, insight, vision and the right strategies to deal and reform our country economy to restore your dreams, and bring our Country, America back to the Rising Star it once used to be, and that is what you will call EXPERIENCE. Experience is the Art of undegoing something.
They are trying to override the truth, and make you loose focus on who and how our Country economy fall into such terrible mess. You can see the real truth the ones who lack experiences, intelligent, vision, insight, and the right strategy to keep our Country, America from going down in a deep economy crisis mess.
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